- Full name
- Industry
- Software Engineering
- Address
- Greater Strasbourg Metropolitan Area
- Headline
Senior Software Engineer - IC - Ruby on Rails/Hotwire - Android/iOS - DevOPS
- Summary
Current interests: #ruby #rubyonrails #turbo #stimulus #docker #k8s #devops #proxmox
Hello, I am an experienced software developer specializing in web development using Ruby On Rails and mobile application development for the Android platform.
With a strong focus on adaptability and a genuine passion for innovation, I am dedicated to staying abreast of emerging technologies and continuously enhancing my proficiency.
Meticulous attention to detail is a cornerstone of my approach, ensuring streamlined processes, meticulous organization, and a harmonious team dynamic. I am committed to fostering a collaborative environment where we can collectively transform ambitious digital concepts into tangible achievements.
Manager of Information Systems
This project aims to demonstrate the ability to serve and parse wine data using the gRPC protocol with a Ruby client.
- Platform:
- Client: -
This challenge aims to demonstrate to ability to search a recipe from ingredients
2023 - 2023
Fast HTML to HAML converter tool built upon latest Ruby on Rails technologies aka Hotwire
Technical stack: Ruby on Rails (>=7.1), Dokku, PostgreSQL, Haml, Rspec
This challenge aims to list listings, create reservations, missions and bookings
2022 - 2023
Website built to publish provided services description with a contact form
Technical stack: Ruby on Rails (>=7.1), Dokku, Redis, AWS SES, Haml, ActiveAdmin, ActiveStorage, Rspec, Ahoy
This challenge aims to expose products through an API and apply some discounts
2019 - 2019
Web application developed for GEST LEASE ING, a company that buys and sells commercial vehicles, agricultural machinery, handling equipment and public works equipment in the Grand Est region, Germany, Switzerland and throughout Europe.
Technical stack: Ruby on Rails (>6.0), AWS S3, AWS SES, MYSQL, Haml, ActiveAdmin, Sentry, jQuery, ActiveStorage, Devise, Rspec
2018 - 2018
Web application developed for the hotel-restaurant LE H BARR located in BARR.
Technical stack: - Ruby on Rails (5.2.3), AWS S3, AWS SES, PostgreSQL, Haml, Sentry, Sidekiq, Dropzone, jQuery, Paperclicp, Devise
2018 - 2018
Web application developed for STAR CRANE, a company that buys, sells and rents lifting and handling equipment worldwide. Display and management of available machines.
Technical stack: Ruby on Rails (>6.0), AWS S3, AWS SES, MYSQL, Haml, ActiveAdmin, Sentry, jQuery, ActiveStorage, Devise, Rspec
I highly recommend Pierre as a Ruby Developer. I had the privilege of managing him, and he consistently delivered great results, showcasing a strong expertise in Ruby and software architecture. Pierre is a dedicated and collaborative team player with excellent problem-solving skills, making him an asset to any organization.
almost 2 years
I had the pleasure to hire and work with Pierre while working on Malo. Pierre is a great developer with many areas of expertise: Ruby on Rails / Mobile development (Android & iOS) / DevOps. He was able to quickly take a lot of subjects out of my plate, and perform various migrations (React Native => Turbo Native, AWS => Scalingo) and improvements on our platform, while keeping the systems fully operational. He also has good communication skills and is able to organize, review, and deliver work while working with, and supervising, different team members. And most importantly, he is a nice person to work with, and I would definitely recommend him for any project.
about 3 years
Au-delà de ses compétences techniques, c'est une personne toujours à l'écoute des autres et qui sait se rendre disponible. Passionné par son travail, c'est un développeur qui apporte dans son équipe de belles qualités humaines, en plus de son expertise technique. Travailler avec Pierre a été un plaisir et un honneur, je lui souhaite le meilleur pour la suite !
about 3 years
Pierre est une personne proactive qui s’implique réellement dans son travail. C'est un plaisir de travailler avec lui.
J’ai pu travailler avec Pierre de 2014 à 2019 sur certains projets transverses à nos produits. C’est un collègue avec qui il est très agréable de travailler, tant sur le plan technique dans le sens où il arrive à s’adapter facilement aux technologies et frameworks qu’il ne maîtrise pas en plus d’exceller dans celles où il est passé maître, que sur le plan humain où Pierre fait preuve d’empathie et de bienveillance sans oublier une touche d’humour.
Pierre est un développeur efficace et motivé sur lequel j'ai pu compter pour mener à bien de nombreux projets chez FourJs notamment sur la plateforme Android.
over 15 years
I managed Pierre during his first training period at Novelys from September to November 2008 and immediately see how fast he can learn new technologies and working methods. Pierre is very motivated in his work and it is a pleasure to work with him.
Senior Software Engineer
- Duration
- March 01, 2024 to now
- Description
Invidivual contributor - Ruby/RoRSame as the previous position but without the lead cap. + Technical interviewsSkillsRuby · Ruby on Rails · Infrastructure · Swift (langage de programmation) · Kotlin · Android · iOS · DevOps · Amazon Web Services (AWS) · GCP
Senior Lead Developer
- Duration
- March 01, 2022 to june 01, 2024
- Description
- Technical referent of the Malo squad linked with the CTO
- Responsible for the product security (gems/ruby dependencies updates, code reviews)
- Responsible for the API and mobile releases
- Review of documents upstream of development (product doc, feature brief, design doc)
- Responsible for the organization of tasks and communication within the Malo team
- Participation in the reflection and choice of new features
- Code reviews / Pair programming
- Development of new features
- Ruby on Rails Malo backend
- Development of the Android/iOS application for Malo (turbo-android/turbo-ios)
Success stories- Reworked the android application using react-native into android application from scratch using android turbo lib ( ~ 2 months
- Reworked the iOS application using react-native into iOS application from scratch using android iOS lib (
Technical stackRails 7, Ruby 3.1.3, Importmap, Hotwire (Stimulus, Turbo), Erb, Tailwindcss, Appsignal, Blazer, Android, Kotlin, SwiftSkillsRuby · Problem Solving · Docker · DevOps · Développement d’applications web · PostgreSQL · Développement Android · Kotlin · Android · Swift (langage de programmation) · Ruby on Rails · Développement web back-end · Hotwire · Amazon Web Services (AWS) · GCP · Leading Development Teams
Senior Software Engineer
- Duration
- February 01, 2022 to march 20, 2022
- Description
Messaging team - participated in the implementation of some features on a Ruby on Rails application and microservices in nodejsMessaging team - participated in the implementation of some features on a Ruby on Rails application and microservices in nodejsSkillsNode.js · Ruby · Ruby on Rails
Senior Software Engineer
- Duration
- January 01, 2020 to february 01, 2022
- Description
Backend developer Ruby On Rails for the Octoly company specialized in connecting brands with influencers and consumers.
- Participation in the development of consumer access on the platform
- Participation in the development of the Android application
- Features creation, maintenance and bug resolution.
- OPS (unix, aws)
Technical stackRuby, Ruby on Rails, React, GraphQl, PostgreSQL, AWS, ReactJS, Haml, Git, Sentry, Capistrano, Android, Java, KotlinSkillsRuby · JavaScript · DevOps · PostgreSQL · Java · Kotlin · Android · MySQL · Ruby on Rails · GraphQL · Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Senior Software Engineer
- Duration
- March 01, 2018 to now
- Description
Freelance Software Engineer specialized in web and mobile applications development (Android)Technical stackRuby On Rails, Sentry, PostgreSQL, Mysql, AWS SES, S3, Haml, JS, Sass, Scalingo, Heroku, GitFreelance Software Engineer specialized in web and mobile applications development (Android) Technical stack: Ruby On Rails, Sentry, PostgreSQL, Mysql, AWS SES, S3, Haml, JS, Sass, Scalingo, Heroku, GitSkillsRuby · Docker · DevOps · Ruby on Rails · Dokku · Amazon Web Services (AWS) · GCP
Senior Software Engineer
- Duration
- September 01, 2012 to january 01, 2020
- Description
Senior software engineer specialized in Android developments
- Lead developer of the Genero Android client (since 2014, 2 developers on this project)
- Guarantor of the product quality (Jenkins, Junit, framework Espresso)
- Guarantor of the products integration (Genero Studio, Genero Browser Client, Fglgws)
- Automated tasks by scripts (ruby, python)
Technical stackRuby, Android, Java, JavaScript, C++, Unix, Python, Jenkins, QtSkillsRuby · JavaScript · Python · Qt · Jenkins · Java · C++ · Unix · Android · GNU Make · SCons · Python (Programming Language) · Production Deployment · Gradle
Software Engineer
- Duration
- February 01, 2012 to september 01, 2012
- Description
Implementation of a web client and an hybrid application which allow interaction from an Android smartphone with a Genero application (HTML5, JAVASCRIPT, 4GL, JAVA, ANDROID, GENERO)
Software Engineer
- Duration
- April 01, 2011 to july 01, 2011
- Description
Feasibility study and prototypes creation for the integration of Nokia QT components in the JAVA Framework of the Eclipse IDE. (JAVA, ECLIPSE, C++, QT)
Software Developer
- Duration
- July 01, 2010 to november 01, 2010
- Description
Web applications developpment with the Ruby On Rails web Framework. Systems administration. (RUBY, ROR, HAML, JS, JQUERY, SASS, EXTREM PROGRAMMING)
Software Developer
- Duration
- January 01, 2010 to may 01, 2010
- Description
Development of a tag cloud generator from semantic documents, agile methods application. (JAVA, LUCENE)
Software Developer
- Duration
- December 01, 2009 to july 01, 2009
- Description
Web applications developpment with the Ruby On Rails web Framework. Systems administration.Continuous integration platform establishment, Dieppe city web application development. Systems administrationTraining and implementation of the Ruby language and the Ruby on Rails Framework, agile methods application (eXtrem Programming, Scrum) and business platform blogging development participation.(RUBY, ROR, EXTREM PROGRAMMING)